Renowned Composer Texu Kim Returns to Orchestra Hall for Lunar New Year Concert

Composer Texu Kim, who first showcased his music to the U.S. audience at the Orchestra Hall in January 2015, is scheduled to return to the same venue with his piece, Dub-Sanjo. The performance is part of the Lunar New Year concert on February 17, and the concerts on March 8 and 9, which will also include Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony. Kim recently discussed his experiences, his approach to naming his pieces, and his future projects.

Kim’s involvement in the 2015 Minnesota Orchestra Composer Institute marked a key moment in his career. His piece, Splash!!, was performed and well-received, despite its complexity. This experience helped Kim realize the effort required from the performers and the group, leading him to adopt a more considerate approach to his music.

The Composer Institute also gave Kim a better understanding of the music industry and the role of composers. The program offered participants the opportunity to interact with various stakeholders in concert-making, including staff, public relations and copyright specialists, and audience members. This experience prepared Kim for future collaborations, especially when he became the composer-in-residence of the Korean National Symphony Orchestra.

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