Bloomington Public Schools’ Seventh-Graders Triumph in City-Wide Civics Bee

Seventh-grade students from Bloomington Public Schools’ three middle schools won the City-Wide Civics Bee on January 31. The top three students were Josiah Brecheisen from Olson, Ryan Frischmon from Valley View, and Sawyer Hand from Oak Grove. All BPS seventh-grade students took a qualifying exam to participate.

The Civics Bee took place in the Bloomington city council chambers. Students were first invited to participate in a Civics Bee at their own schools. The finalists from each school then attended the city-wide event.

Mayor Tim Busse led the City-Wide Civics Bee, which included 13 rounds of questions about civics. The event’s goal was to assess the students’ understanding of government and politics.

This is the fifth year that BPS has worked with the League of Women Voters Bloomington and the city to hold the Civics Bee. The event aims to promote civic engagement among young students.

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