Eating Beaver in Minnesota Was Legal—Now It’s a Crime

Beavers can be a big nuisance for home and landowners in Minnesota , and the state has very specific rules about what you can do with them.

A Surprising Ban on Eating Beaver in Minnesota

Until last year, Minnesotans could eat the nuisance beavers they caught on their property. However, a change included in the 2024 environment omnibus bill made it illegal to consume nuisance beavers. Now, one Minnesota lawmaker wants to reverse that decision.

According to Fox 9 , Senator Steve Green (R) questions why the ban on eating beaver was included in the bill. “I can tell you that even though I personally don’t go out and trap beavers to eat them, I have eaten them… I do know a lot of people that do consume beaver, and I think it’s a little problematic that we’re making it a crime,” Green stated.

Concerns Over Health Risks to Minnesotans

Senator Foung Hawj (D) defended the ban, citing concerns over the “potential for disease or parasite contraction from eating a rodent.”…

Story continues