Eva Morrison, a beacon to Progressive Church

St. Paul’s Progressive Baptist Church gathered to celebrate an extraordinary woman who has been a cornerstone of their community this past January. For over 40 years, Eva Morrison has been a pillar of her community, consistently dedicating her time and energy to helping others. Morrison received a heartfelt acknowledgment from her church family for her decades of service and profound impact on the lives of countless individuals.

A devoted wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, cousin, and aunt, she has dedicated her life to serving others with grace and compassion. Some of her many contributions include being a Deacon of the church for 30 years, director of the kitchen and fellowship hall, and coordinating church events for 12 years.

She has also been a teacher for Vacation Bible School nursery and preschool, member of the Grieving Committee, and an active volunteer at the church’s food shelf, “Fishes and Loves.” One of her most notable achievements at Progressive Church has been her collaboration with Reverend Earl Miller in creating and leading the church’s daycare center, a program that has touched the lives of countless children and their families. Morrison has co-led this initiative for 17 years.

Under Morrison’s participation, the daycare center became more than just a safe haven for children; it became a launchpad for success. Many of the children who grew up under her care went on to attend college. A significant number of those children chose Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)…

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