Dangerous cold forecasted; wind chill values could be as low as -60°F Monday and Tuesday

FARGO (KFGO) – An arctic airmass is moving into the region, and it will bring the coldest temperatures of the winter so far.

Wind chill values Saturday night into Sunday morning are expected to be around -35°F across North Dakota and northwest Minnesota. Air temperatures are expected to be around -5°F to -10°F, according to the National Weather Service.

An extreme cold watch, which could be upgraded to an extreme cold warning, goes into effect at 6 p.m. Sunday and goes through 12 p.m. Tuesday. Wind chill values are expected to be around -40°F to -45°F in the Red River Valley. The National Weather Service is predicting wind chill values as low as -50°F to -60°F in central and northern North Dakota, including Ashley, Jamestown, Langdon, Bottineau, Minot, and Crosby…

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