Unfortunately, there aren’t safe spaces out in the world. No matter where you are, you must always be wary of those around you and their actions. Even worse, you can’t even trust educational professionals to keep your children safe at a daycare. A shocking video details a daycare teacher screaming at toddlers as old as three years old and as young as one to listen and pay attention, among other things. The video then spread to news networks where it was reported for even further criticism towards both the teacher and the school itself.
Lil’ Explorers Childcare Center fires teacher after ‘unthinkable’ videos surface. A former assistant teacher secretly recorded several videos, showing a teacher at Lil’ Explorers Childcare Center in Plymouth yelling at several children and forcefully handling them. In one video, she picks up a child and slams him down onto a chair before aggressively pushing the chair into a desk. Yanni Thomas, of Maple Grove, who recorded the videos on Thursday, quit the same day. Plymouth police confirmed on Friday that they had launched an investigation into the incident. Tap the link in our bio for the full story…