I’m sure police have heard all sorts of reasons from people for why they were breaking the law on the road. From why they were speeding to why they ran a red light, they’ve probably heard all of the excuses.
Well, maybe not quite all of them until now.
Before we get to that, I also just wrote an article about red light cameras and speed cameras coming to Minnesota this summer. It’s just a pilot program right now to test it out and it’s also only going to be in two Minnesota towns, at least for now. If it goes well they may roll it out elsewhere.
But if they leave it to red light cameras to ticket people when they run a red, we won’t get videos like this!
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Minnesota Woman Has Hilarious Reason for Running a Red Light
The video was shared by the Bloomington, MN Police Department . In the video, you can see a blue vehicle come from the right and blow right through a red light. The officer pulls the driver over and gets out to have a chat…