Welcome to the March 2025 Issue

The memory is embedded in my mind. It was about this time of year. We had just moved to the Twin Cities—for the second time. I sat one evening at our kitchen table with community education and park and recreation catalogues opened to dog-eared pages and registration forms stacked and divided per child.

I considered. I planned. I registered. And I submitted payments. A lot of them. I sat back and thought, “What am I doing?” Why was I shelling out so much money to keep three little boys entertained and occupied for the summer at camps for this and programs for that? Those kids were being given a lot of opportunities, but what were they giving? Was I missing an even more important opportunity for them during summer break?

Along with the camps and programs, which were amazing (Hands down, I’d sign them up all over again!), I found ways for the kids to volunteer that summer and many summers and school years after that. Calling bingo at a senior center, organizing a church library, running movies at a senior living facility and serving weekends at a respite program were just some of the service areas…

Story continues