A Minnesota man faces multiple felony charges after allegedly assaulting a Greene County Sheriff’s Deputy.
According to court documents, Taylor Grobove was trying to make his way back to Minnesota and a Greene County Deputy received him from a Guthrie County Deputy to then hand off to a deputy from the Webster County Sheriff’s Office. When the deputy arrived at the location to give Grobove to the Webster County Deputy, Grobove made odd comments and asked the Greene County Deputy to kill him and he wanted to steal the patrol vehicle.
Court documents show that when the deputy opened the backdoor to let Grobove out, Grobove assaulted the deputy by kicking his face that caused a contusion and swelling of the deputy’s eye. Grobove also attempted to reach for a weapon on the deputy’s belt. The deputy responded to defend himself by striking Grobove in the face. When the Webster County Deputy arrived, Grobove was restrained and transported to the Greene County Jail…