Minnesota DHS Enhances Support for Aging Adults and Disabled Individuals with Latest Initiatives and Reports

The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has rolled out its weekly updates for the Aging and Adult Services Division (AASD) and Disability Services Division (DSD), sharing the latest on surveys, reports, and upcoming events for those involved in providing and receiving care in the state. According to a recent announcement published by the DHS, there’s an ongoing survey aimed at direct support workers providing personal care services. This initiative seeks feedback on the impact of potential reimbursement for overtime wages.

Aiding adults in the autumn of their years and people with disabilities, the DHS posted their “Culture of Safety, Systemic Critical Incident Review: Annual public report,” a compilation of 2023 data tracking incidents within care settings. While the report serves as a guide to improving the safety of those receiving services, a disembodied voice urges service providers and others interested to review the report, tabling the direct impact these numbers have on actual human lives.

In another significant step, the DHS is conducting an ICS survey to gauge the delivery of Integrated Community Supports. The survey, targeting case managers and leadership from Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, is designed to collect insights into the service’s availability and quality, as outlined in a DHS announcement…

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