Florida Teen Claims ‘Betrayed and Upset’ Father Who Wrote Her Incestuous Love Letter Shot at ‘Head Level’ Through Bathroom Door She Hid Behind: Court Docs

The father was arrested on five charges including one count of first-degree murder

A Florida father is accused of going on a shooting spree that targeted his daughter, mother, and others after his family would not let him have a romantic relationship with his daughter .

According to court documents obtained by the Tampa Bay Times , 42-year-old Michael Banks allegedly told police that he wrote a letter to his 17-year-old daughter “insisting that she enter into a relationship with him and not date anyone else.”

Before Banks went on his alleged shooting spree on Jan. 17, his mother and her friend were in the family home talking about kicking Banks out of the home after discovering he was “pursuing a romantic relationship with his daughter,” the documents state.

According to prosecutors, after Banks overheard these discussions, he felt “betrayed and upset,” and he retrieved his revolver and brought it into the kitchen. He shot his 60-year-old mother and her friend, killing the friend per reporting from the Times.

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