Families of gun shooting victims are hoping for some preventive measures from FL Legislature

Loved ones hold a vigil for victims of gun violence. This one was in New York City in July. Credit: David Dee Delgado/Getty

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Karel Boonstoppel is hopeful that there can be some sort of meaningful legislation posed at either the federal, state or even local level to prevent gun shootings like the one that led to the death of his 20-year-old son, Harrison, last October in Tampa.

“We need to do something. Okay?”

Boonstoppel was speaking on a Zoom conference call on Friday led by Tampa Bay area Democratic Congresswoman Kathy Castor and Florida Democratic House Minority Leader Fentrice Driskell to discuss the issue of gun violence in Florida.

Harrison Boonstoppel was shot and killed in Tampa’s Ybor City on Halloween weekend last year by a 14-year-old teenager. One other person was killed, and 16 others were wounded in the incident on Oct. 29.

While Florida law prevents local governments from implementing any gun regulations, the Tampa City Council has been contemplating implementing a curfew in Ybor City to address gun violence in that entertainment district but postponed taking up a vote on Thursday.

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