Sarasota has an addiction to cars. It’s time to break our habit.

Aim for fewer cars, more bicycles

A recent letter writer bemoaned the fuel and time wasted by cars waiting in traffic – and particularly due, apparently, to bike riders (“Idling at stoplights worsens pollution,” Jan. 17).

Granted, our growing population is overwhelming our roads.

But the problem is too many cars, not too many bicycles. Imagine what a different city we would have if one-third of our drivers were riding a bike (or walking or skating) instead of driving.

I understand we live in an auto-dominated culture. And there are legitimate needs for driving, but many of our trips are reasonable cycling trips.

Bicycling is the most efficient form of human transportation; it uses a fraction of the fuel energy that a car does. Cycling reduces our carbon footprint, our traffic congestion and our expenses – and it improves our health.

In flat Sarasota, with our great weather, we would all benefit from fewer drivers and more cyclists.

Just in commuting over the years, I’ve avoided more than 20,000 miles of driving. It is a small effort toward living responsibly on behalf of Sarasota, our environment, my wallet and my health.

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