Sarasota Police release recording of Bridget Ziegler interview in rape investigation

Sarasota Police released an audio recording and transcript Friday of the interview they conducted with Sarasota County School Board member Bridget Ziegler while investigating a sexual assault allegation against her husband, former Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler.

Police interviewed Bridget Ziegler on Nov. 1. They have since opted not to charge Christian Ziegler with sexual assault, saying a video he took of the incident “showed that the encounter was likely consensual.”

The details of the interview have previously been reported. Police earlier released a summary of Ziegler’s comments with some of the words she used, but the transcript and recording provide a full accounting of what she said.

Transcript of the Sarasota Police interview with Bridget Ziegler

Told by a detective that police were looking into “an allegation of sexual assault by your husband,” Ziegler responds “Okay.”

“Does this shock you?” the detective continues.

“A sexual assault? 100%” Ziegler responds.

“Would it shock you to know that he might be in a relationship with her, or has had a relationship with her?” the detective asks.

Story continues