Homophobic jokes, extremist leaders: What’s happening at New College is no laughing matter

NCF’s decline is no laughing matter

Regarding the Feb. 13 letter titled New College ignores homophobic ‘comedy,'” David Rancourt is a professional political lobbyist who is a founding partner of a lobbying firm now known as The Southern Group.

He was hired as dean of students at New College of Florida at the behest of Board Trustee Christopher Rufo, who believes that American colleges have been taken over by Marxists, feminists, Black people and gay people.

The idea is to troll the New College community in order to claim that we are the ones who are intolerant and close-minded.

Rancourt and Bruce Abramson, the new admissions director also hired for his right-wing views, have been assigned to transform New College’s student body. And those who do not share their views are considered too contemptible to engage with.

Anderson Brown, New College ’78, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

Leap Year babies cheated out of birthdays

As a child I felt cheated when every one of my friends had a yearly birthday and I only had a “real” one every four years.

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