A child died from being left in a hot car and a Florida man was arrested. Why children are so vulnerable

A 6-year-old girl died in Bradenton in May after being left in a hot car for just over two hours with the windows up. Hospital staff reportedly measured her body core temperature at 107.2 degrees.

Markise Outing, 24, of Ellentown was arrested Tuesday and charged with aggravated manslaughter of a child for leaving his girlfriend’s daughter in the car parked outside his place of business, according to a release from the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Officials said Outing took her to a fire department station for medical attention and she was rushed to a hospital for “advanced care.” She died there.

Outing initially said the child got overheated playing at a park, the release said.

Since 1990, at least 1,083 children have died in hot vehicles in the U.S., according to a study released in May from the nonprofit advocacy group “Kids and Car Safety ,” averaging 38 per year. 2018 and 2019 were the worst, with 54 and 53 deaths respectively. And Florida nearly tops the list.

How many hot car deaths are there in Florida?

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