Bill Nye the debate guy

SARASOTA — New College of Florida’s first Socratic Stage Dialogue Series forum of the semester drew big debates on tough topics concerning the efficacy of science.

The event began with an audience chant for one its most prominent guest speakers, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” on Saturday at the Sarasota Opera House.

The debate’s speakers were chosen to provide a “wide range of viewpoints and perspectives” for viewers, NCF officials said.

Nye opened the debate with a civics lesson debunking misinformation through science before voicing his confusion about his opponent’s stance on free speech.

Michael Shellenberger, an investigative journalist and bestselling author, believes science can inform and educate society — but not tell it what to do with its findings.

“I want to agree that we need science, but I also want to say we need ethics, politics, and most of all, we need love,” Shellenberger said.

The first question of the night asked if science can have moral implications based on its results and the people who record them.

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