Explore Wildland Firefighting at Hillsborough County’s Prescribed Fire Fest in Plant City

The upcoming Prescribed Fire Fest, scheduled for next Saturday, will provide an opportunity to explore the practical aspects of ecological management. The event will feature educational sessions and hands-on activities focused on the role of fire in land conservation. According to a recent press release from Hillsborough County, attendees will have the chance to observe how professionals use fire as a tool to prevent wildfires.

The festival, taking place at Edward Medard Conservation Park, is open to both professionals and families, featuring a range of activities for all ages. Young participants can earn the title of Junior Wildland Firefighter for the day by completing various stations, collecting stamps in their Prescribed Fire Fest passports, and engaging with firefighting tools. These activities and equipment demonstrations will run throughout the day, concluding at 12:30 p.m., as noted in the information provided by Hillsborough County.

Interactive games will provide kids with the opportunity to test their skills using a fire hose in a hands-on setting. A display will also explain the differences between a brush truck and a regular fire truck, showcasing the specialized equipment used in managing prescribed fires. In addition, attendees will have the chance to view these trucks and learn about the protective clothing worn by firefighters…

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