Newberg’s Tilikum Center gets a boost from charitable trust

A rural Newberg nonprofit will receive a nice bump in funding that will help it continue its mission of helping people strengthen their faith through exposure to the outdoors.

The M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust announced in late January that Tilikum Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries was one of 94 nonprofit organizations across the Northwest to receive more than $21.93 million in its latest round of grant funding.

Tilikum will receive $92,400 that will go toward an effort devised by the charitable trust called the Vision and Call Internship Program. The program, according to releases from the Murdock trust, was established in 2006 and is “built on the belief that life’s lessons, the ideas that shape commitment and souls, are often best learned through an apprenticeship experience and worked out through a community of mentors and peers.”

Ultimately, the release continued, the hope is to “equip young adults to consider the direction of their vocation while gaining meaningful ministry or work experience.”

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