New Wilsonville school officially named Frog Pond Primary

Of the 171 names recommended to the West Linn-Wilsonville School Board for Wilsonville’s new school, there was one clear winner: Frog Pond Primary.

While “You Are Loved Primary” and “Kermit Pond Primary” earned appreciative acknowledgments from board member Kristen Wyatt, 45% of the suggested names were Frog Pond Primary — a landslide showing for the new school’s name.

During its Monday, Feb. 5 meeting, the school board officially named the school following a discussion.

“It’s nice to see people all really excited for the same name,” said West Linn-Wilsonville School District Assistant Superintendent David Pryor during the meeting. “This is a name, out of fairness, that we’ve been trying not to use because it’s such a natural name for a primary school, but now it’s official we can stop saying the site of Frog Pond and start saying Frog Pond Primary School.”

“I wonder what the mascot is going to be,” joked Superintendent Kathy Ludwig.

A committee of community members, administrators and staff chose the best name for consideration from the name submissions. No community members, historical or current figures, were considered. Pryor added that, due to the overwhelming support for Frog Pond Primary, the choice was straightforward.

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