Salem Feb 12 Weekly Crime Report: 349 Incidents and 6 Crime Stories

Salem Feb 12 Weekly Crime Report: 349 Incidents and 6 Crime Stories

During the last week, Salem reported a total of 349 crime cases. Most of these cases, approximately 73%, fell under the ‘Other’ category with a count of 255. This was followed by ‘Vandalism’ with 32 cases, making up about 9% of the total crimes. The place also witnessed 22 ‘Assault’ cases and 18 instances of ‘Theft’. Less frequent but still concerning were ‘Disturbance’ cases, which amounted to 8, and ‘Shooting’ incidents, which were reported 6 times. The least number of cases were ‘Arrests’ and ‘Burglary’, with 5 and 3 incidents respectively. The data paints a concerning picture of the crime situation in Salem, with a significant number of incidents occurring in just one week. The high number of cases falling under the ‘Other’ category suggests a variety of criminal activities happening in the place, necessitating a comprehensive approach to law enforcement and crime prevention.

Incidents Last Week
Other 255
Vandalism 32
Assault 22
Theft 18
Disturbance 8
Shooting 6
Arrest 5
Burglary 3

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