Hot ATV exhaust contacting dry vegetation caused 2023 Liberty Fire in Salem, report finds

The Liberty Fire last August caused an estimated $1 million in damage, according to a report from the Salem Fire Department.

The estimate includes structures and timber destroyed but not the cost of suppressing the fire.

Local and state fire agencies dispatched more than 100 personnel and 30 apparatus to battle the Aug. 23 brush fire turned wildfire in the tinder-dry hills just south of Salem.

Firefighters on the ground and in the air helped limit the spread to 50 acres. More than 600 residents received evacuation orders, but no one was injured or lost their home.

Salem Fire could not say what it cost the agency to fight the fire. The Oregon State Fire Marshal‘s office said it cost more than $95,000 to do its part, deploying four aircraft crucial to dousing the flames and containing the fire.

Impacted property owners have filed claims with their personal homeowner’s insurance and been paid, although nowhere near the value of their damaged property, including outbuildings, fencing and timber.

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