Tax, cannabis initiatives qualify for Oregon ballot

Welcome to the Friday, August 9, Brew.

Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day:

  1. Tax, cannabis initiatives qualify for Oregon ballot
  2. Decade-low number of candidates running for U.S. House in Hawaii
  3. Did you know nine states prohibit foreign nationals or governments from contributing to ballot measure campaigns?

Tax, cannabis initiatives qualify for Oregon ballot

Oregon voters will decide on five statewide ballot measures, including two citizen initiatives and three legislative referrals this fall. That’s less than the 2010-2022 average of between six and seven ballot measures per year.

  • Measure 118 would increase the corporate minimum tax by 3% on in-state revenue greater than $25 million in addition to the current minimum corporate tax, which varies based on that revenue. It would direct the Department of Revenue to distribute the revenue from the additional tax equally to Oregon residents who spend more than 200 days in the state.
  • Measure 119 would require cannabis businesses to submit a signed labor peace agreement to the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission with their licensure or renewal applications. The agreements would require businesses to remain neutral when labor organizations communicate with their employees about collective bargaining rights. Businesses that do not submit an agreement or do not adhere to an agreement they submit could have their licensure or certification applications denied or suspended.

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