City of Wilsonville developing street naming policy for Town Center

Wilsonville’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee is on a new naming policy and list of acceptable street names for Town Center.

The theme for the new street names, chosen by the DEI Committee, is “significant people who made an impact on social justice,” according to a staff report. The list was prompted by an inquiry from a developer on possible names for a new street. The developer is building a five-story, mixed-use apartment building in the current Shari’s restaurant location, and the project also includes the construction of a new public street.

A draft policy and name list was presented at a City Council meeting on Monday Aug. 5, and the committee vice chair Erika Pham said criteria for the names include a person who made significant or inspirational impact on the community and a person who made an impact on social justice. She said more weight was given to women and Indigenous people because these groups are not often recognized historically.

Some recognizable names from a draft list of 83 include Indigenous tribes Kalapuya and Tualatin, Susan B. Anthony, state Sen. Aaron Woods and Wilsonville Mayor Julie Fitzgerald.

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