Newberg musician and cohort net $100K grant to stage multi-cultural women’s rights performance

A pair of collaborating artists, one with Newberg ties, are among the beneficiaries of a round of grants from an organization determined to, in its own words, “celebrate bold creativity, elevate cultural voices and examine some of the deep challenges facing Oregonians.”

The Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) renewed its annual Creative Heights Initiative some months ago, seeking applications from artists for grants from $15,000 to $100,000 to fund in-state arts and culture projects that “stretch the creative capacity of artists and culture bearers,” a release said.

Fourteen projects were chosen to receive the grants, funded by a $150 million bequest to the foundation from the estate of Fred W. Fields, an engineer and owner of Coe Manufacturing Co. in Portland, as well as funds provided by the Wieden Family Foundation.

“We’re incredibly proud to announce this group of 2024 Creative Heights awards,” Jerry Tischleder, OCF’s senior program officer for arts and culture, said. “These projects are driven by boundless creativity and represent a mind-boggling cross-section of artistic talent across Oregon.”

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