Music, memorabilia and memories: Record Bonanza delivers that and more

Remember that scratchy sound the needle of your turntable made when it dropped onto a favorite album or current hit 45?

It was a sound music-lovers remember fondly because the magic of music would follow seconds later. For generation after generation, it was thus.

And those generations celebrate that sound, vibe, and the musical memories every year at the Record Bonanza music memorabilia show in Canby.

Bonanza founder Don Rogers is excited about what this year’s 41st edition of the event will deliver on Sunday, Sept. 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ackerman School, 350 SE 13th St. in Canby.

And those who choose to stop by will have an opportunity to step back in time to music, concerts, art and so much more that helped define their generation – no matter which generation they call their own.

Rogers said he expects 60-65 dealers at this year’s event, and they’ll bring all kinds of memorabilia to the Ackerman gym, as well as a weather eye for acquiring wanted items.

It’s buy, sell and trade at the Record Bonanza each year, something that brings music lovers together for a day of fun and musical memories.

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