Restaurant lingo decoded: A glossary of terms every diner should know

Ever visited a restaurant and heard a phrase you’d never heard before?

You’re not alone. The restaurant industry has its own jargon, and sometimes it can be hard to figure out.

If you’ve ever been curious about certain words and phrases, this glossary of some of the most used and popular phrases could help.

General dining-out terms

A La Carte

A la carte is a French phrase that refers to an item sold separately. For example, at upscale restaurants, a la carte items could include mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, or French fries.


The person behind the bar making drinks. Other names for a bartender include barkeep, barman, bar chef, mixologist, and barmaid. There is a debated difference between a bartender and a mixologist, as with mixologists there is the connotation they are going to make fancier cocktails than a standard bartender. But they all generally do the same job: make and serve drinks to customers.

Food truck/cart

“Food truck” and “food cart” are usually used interchangeably, but the vehicles themselves have slight differences. Food trucks are actual trucks outfitted with kitchens. Food carts typically are trailers or similar non-driving vessels with partial or full kitchens built into them.

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