Falls City School District asks voters to fund after-school programs through levy

Like a lot of school districts, Falls City has had its financial problems.

The district has had good fortune over the past few years by getting grants to fund facility improvements and some positions.

But it cut eight positions from its most recent budget, including laying off two teachers. It’s considering more cost cutting measures for the next budget cycle.

Even with financial woes, Falls City schools are asking voters to essentially renew its five-year operations levy that funds after-school programs. It is asking for the same rate of $1.25 per $1,000 of assessed property value for property owners in the Nov. 5 general election. The district is not asking voters to increase the levy to add back lost staff positions.

“I think that has to do a little with knowing your community support and what they would be willing to pay,” Falls City superintendent Cory Ellis said. “Taxes is kind of a dirty word in any community, and I realize people will support kids.

“But we also don’t want to over abuse the funds that are given to us and use the funds in a type of way that we are managing correctly. The board feels like this is an amount we can do all of the things we can do.”

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