Grizzly Bear Rights Look to be Ending Soon in Oregon and Idaho

A grizzly bear is the only land animal that will hunt you back. That’s what a former spokesman for Idaho Fish and Game once told me. In areas where the bears are common, they’re at the top of the food chain.

Grizzlies are also an endangered species in the lower 48 states, and hunting remains prohibited. Well, not for them, but for you. President Trump may change the designation soon.

I came across a video from the Oregon Natural Resources Industries. ONRI isn’t a government organization. It works to counter much of the madness dispensed by liberals in Salem.

The members of ONRI are conservationists. It’s not the same as an environmentalist. The latter is a definition of a misanthrope. They like beats better than their fellow humans. Conservationists want to preserve both and recognize that human beings need to exploit nature to a degree to survive…

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