Vancouver considers annexation that could make it Washington’s second-largest city

PORTLAND, Ore. ( KOIN ) — The City of Vancouver’s population could grow significantly, but the change wouldn’t come without millions of dollars in expenses.

During a Vancouver City Council workshop on Monday, Chief Financial Officer Natasha Ramras presented leaders with four different options for annexation — some of which would give Vancouver the title of Washington’s second-most populous city.

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The first scenario would absorb Clark County’s Fire District 5 up to the city’s urban growth area, adding about 95,000 residents. This addition would increase revenue by $56 million with funds like sales, property and garbage taxes, but it would also require $98 million in expenditures like hiring additional police and maintaining more parks.

Under the second scenario, Vancouver would absorb its water service boundary and welcome about 76,000 new residents. This would lead to a $50 million deficit, the largest of all options, which Ramras noted is “largely” due to the loss of utility revenue and covering additional fire services.

The third scenario entails the largest population increase, with the potential for 171,000 more Vancouver residents if officials vote to absorb the metro’s full urban growth area. This annexation would accrue $145 million in revenue, with the biggest share coming from property taxes, and about $194 million in expenditures to potentially build another police precinct, maintain additional parks and more…

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