Why did popular Salt Lake City restaurant suddenly shutter its doors?

Normally, Friday afternoons are busy at a popular Salt Lake City restaurant, with people hustling in and out to get their lunch, but that’s no longer the case at the Star of India where the staff deals with unfortunate setbacks.

“It’s crazy, it’s not fun. It hasn’t been a fun experience, its like all of a sudden, boom! unexpected. Very, very unexpected,” said Paramjit Kaur, the restaurant’s owner and manager.

When Jeff Johnson pulled up to the Star of India, he found locked doors.

“I’m actually hungry right now,” he said, “so it would have been nice if I could have gone in and had their chicken curry, that’s my favorite thing on their menu.”

Restaurant staff learned almost as quickly as Johnson that things were not going well.

“I got here on Monday morning, everything was fine, and all of a sudden, I get into the building, there’s no power,” explained Kaur.

That was August 26.

“A week later,” Kaur added, “we found out the whole grounding wire is out of the building. The whole main power line is out.”

Story continues