Another Warning: Tooele Army Depot planning more detonations Monday afternoon

Tooele Army Depot’s South Area has put out an alert that they will be conducting detonations today. The detonations are scheduled to happen between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday.

The warning follows detonations that caused concerns last Thursday across the Salt Lake Valley.

Officials with the depot say the operations are to dispose of expired military munitions in the Rush Valley in Tooele County. The operations have happened every year since World War II.

“It wasn’t a lack of oversight or oversight of the conditions,” said Col. Luke R. Clover, Commander of the depot following Thursday’s confusion. “Everything was within the parameters that we look at daily when we do these operations and we were within those parameters. It just happened to be the extra moisture in the ground caused that explosion to carry further than usual.”

“We are sorry that we didn’t post anything. We will do a better job in the future,” the depot wrote.

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