Deseret News archives: Larry H. Miller got the Delta Center built – on time

A look back at local, national and world events through Deseret News archives.

On time.

Construction on the Delta Center began June 11, 1990, and ended Oct. 4, 1991 — a record construction of an arena in the United States.

More than 30 years later, it truly is difficult to image Salt Lake City without its sports and entertainment arena, and many believe the best is yet to come.

The arena was the dream of Larry H. Miller, and he and his team worked so hard to finish the building before the Jazz began the 1991-92 NBA season.

Coverage of the approval process, construction and completion of the Delta Center was extensive in the Deseret News.

“After discarding his suit coat, tie and dress shirt, Miller turned to tearfully address thousands of guests attending the dedication of the new $93 million sports arena, located at 100 S. 300 West,” read one article on the day the building was dedicated.

“‘One of the most exciting things about this building is it should enhance our sense of community,’ he said.

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