A worldwide general conference for a global faith

Marco Ajack, Deng Ajack and Scott Jenkins were looking for someone to take a picture of them outside the Conference Center. Marco Ajack and Deng Ajack are brothers, originally from South Sudan — the Dinka tribe. And Jenkins used to be a missionary with the Sudanese branch in Taylorsville, Utah.

The three had just finished watching the morning session of general conference together.

“I kind of fell off the path and picked myself up again,” said Deng Ajack. “I built my relationship with Jesus Christ again, and my faith made me stronger.” Attending general conference with his brother and his friend was a blessing and an answer to prayer.

Conference attendees come from all over — as did conference speakers.

Côte d’Ivoire, United Kingdom, Brazil, Chile and Portugal. Those are just some of the countries where Latter-day Saint church leaders who spoke at the 194th Semiannual General Conference were born.

The church’s worldwide broadcast of general conference is translated live into 80 languages: 76 languages are live interpretation and four languages are live subtitling. Latter-day Saints from across the globe travel to the Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake City to watch the proceedings. Still, those who do not travel often participate in general conference with family, friends and fellow church members via television, radio or internet streaming.

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