Opinion: Finally. Civility is returning

The current political climate is characterized as acrimonious and unhealthy. But last week, Utahns’ hope for decency was realized. We are happy to explain.

The Salt Lake City sales tax increase to fund the sports entertainment district passed, teeing up what many expected to be a significant referendum fight. Remarkably, vested parties reached an accord, preventing what would have been a neighbor-versus-neighbor battle. Why is this important?

Cowley: I’ve been involved in fighting a dozen referendums, and this would have been the most contentious and vitriolic fight we have seen yet. It speaks volumes of both sides’ character and commitment to the community that they were able to come to an agreement. I’m rarely one to support a tax increase, but this outcome is good for our capital city and state.

Mostly, I’m glad that my hockey-loving husband will be taking me to games downtown rather than dragging me to outer darkness (aka past 900 South).

Pignanelli: “The best fights are the ones we avoid.” – Jackie Chan

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