Opinion: Utah’s moment is about being Utah

The election is over. While the nation processes its choice, Utah has a different task: being more fully itself.

Our state embodies productive paradox. We are the most conservative state building America’s green energy future. The most fiscally prudent state with the most ambitious investment agenda. A place where temporary government service produces lasting institutions, where free enterprise generates both profit and extraordinary charitable giving.

This isn’t happening despite our distinctive qualities. It’s happening because of them.

Consider our starting position: swollen rainy day funds, remarkable bonding capacity and the nation’s youngest workforce. Our School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration has shown for generations how public assets can generate private prosperity. Our tech sector thrives not because we tried to become Silicon Valley but because we remained uniquely Utah.

The proof is in the results. While other states debate the energy transition, we’re building it. While others fight over regulation, our stable governance attracts long-term investment. While others chase trends, our consistent principles enable innovation.

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