As you drive north on I-15 into Salt Lake City it is likely that you will see the words “Standing against antisemitism is standing with America,” popping off of a bright pink background.
This billboard is one of two, meant to garner support against antisemitism, that have recently appeared off of Utah’s most traveled interstate. The bright white text on the second billboard reads “I need to be able to tell my children I did not stay silent.”
These billboards were purchased by JewBelong, a nonprofit organization which focuses on education about Jewish beliefs and culture.
“Let’s face it, Judaism can be a little/lot intimidating. Sometimes all of the rules and regulations keep people away, and then they miss out on the good stuff. JewBelong is out to change that by helping you find the joy, meaning and relevance that Judaism has to offer,” reads JewBelong’s website.
The organization’s co-founder, Archie Gottesman, said JewBelong started putting up these billboards in 2021 after the group saw a surge in the amount of antisemitism in America.