City’s innovative ‘foldable’ tiny homes offer hope as cheap housing option that can withstand brutal weather: ‘Under budget and ahead of schedule’

A Salt Lake City microshelter community is up and running to provide shelter to vulnerable residents, and its “foldable” tiny homes are receiving buzz for their future potential.

As detailed by Good Good Good, Utah worked with an array of private and public partners to complete comfortable and safe housing for residents without shelter. The project was completed in September after nearly two years — just in time to keep people out of the winter chill, according to a press release from the state’s Department of Workforce Services .

The microcommunity can accommodate 50 people thanks to Foldum , whose easy-setup tiny homes require far fewer resources to construct than traditional homes but are still built to withstand extreme weather . The company’s foldable designs have also been used for student housing, disaster relief, seasonal accommodations, and more…

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