Former Bexar Sheriff’s Office corporal gets 15 years in murder case

Former Bexar County Sheriff’s Office corporal Giovanni Ceja has been sentenced to 15 years to life in a second-degree murder case in California,

KSAT reports


Ceja, 31, was convicted of striking and killing a man on Aug. 7, 2023, while driving a borrowed vehicle on a highway in Riverside County, California, and fleeing the scene, the TV station reports, citing a statement from Riverside’s district attorney.

Ceja reportedly returned to work in San Antonio. However, the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office contacted BCSO on Aug. 14, saying it had a murder warrant for the corporal in the death of 38-year-old Gilberto Sotelo, KSAT reports.

After his arrest, Ceja was extradited to California to face charges in the case. He was a five-year BCSO veteran before he resigned..

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This story was originally published here.