PetSmart Charities Partners With Feeding America for Pet Hunger Awareness Day

Nearly 90 million U.S. households have pets, and 30 million of those pets live in homes facing food insecurity.

To address this issue, PetSmart Charities is partnering with Feeding America on Pet Hunger Awareness Day (Sept. 24) to raise awareness and combat hunger for both people and their pets nationwide.

During Hunger Action Month, Feeding America reports that 1 in 6 people rely on food pantries.

On Sept. 24, food banks in select cities, including Detroit, El Paso, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, New York City, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Tampa Bay, will provide food for both people and their pets.

Pet parents in need are encouraged to check with their local food banks about available pet food support.

“For a majority of people in America, family includes pets. We see this bond firsthand at many food banks when neighbors come to pick up food for their pets,” said Linda Nageotte, president and chief operating officer at Feeding America. “Their love and dedication in ensuring all members of their families – pets included – have access to the food and resources they need to thrive, makes our partnership with PetSmart Charities critical. Together, we can broaden our reach in the collective movement to end hunger in the U.S.”

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