How Much Do You Need to Earn to Afford a Home in San Antonio?

Housing Reality: San Antonio Buyers Must Boost Incomes to Afford Starter Homes

It is no secret that buying a home in San Antonio, Texas, is getting hard- but just how much harder is it?

Online real estate brokerage Redfin released a report showing how much a potential homeowner needs to make to afford a “starter home” in San Antonio.

They found that a first-time homebuyer needed to earn $55,657 annually to afford a San Antonio home in 2023. This is a massive 18.7 percent increase over the income required in 2022.

Over the last year, home sales in San Antonio have increased by 11.6%- the most significant increase in any of the 50 biggest cities in the nation. The median sale price is $210,000, while median mortgage payments are about $1,391 monthly.

“Buyers searching for starter homes in today’s market are on a wild goose chase because, in many parts of the country, there’s no such thing as a starter home anymore. The most affordable homes for sale are no longer affordable to people with lower budgets due to the combination of rising prices and rising rates.” Redfin Senior Economist Sheharyar Bokhari

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