Batter Up! Texas Sonic Locations Hosting Epic Corn Dog Day Bash!

Texas should make National Corn Dog Day a state holiday.

Texas Debuted Corndogs At A State Fair

The history of corndogs is a little crazy. Corn Dogs became a “thing” after debuting at the Texas State Fair in 1942. But did Texas originate the corn dog? At least two places claim to have been serving corn dogs in 1941. Let’s just give a big “thank you” to all for this golden fried goodness of a breaded wiener on a stick.

Where To Get Corn Dogs

Corn dogs in Texas mean one of two things, either the fair is in town, or Sonic. Sonic Drive-In’s have been rockin’ corn dogs and corn dog specials since 1959 (at least). Yes, I unearthed Sonic’s first menu and it has “Corn Dog On A Stick” for a…..

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