Opinion: Don’t be misled about tiered, fixed-rate electric billing plan. It’s a step toward equity.

San Diego Gas & Electric bills (Rob Nikolewski/The San Diego Union-Tribune)

Nash is chair of the Black American Political Association of California, San Diego Chapter, and lives in Southeast San Diego.

Every day in my work with underserved communities, I hear stories of working families struggling to get by in America’s Finest City. With the rising cost of housing, food and other necessities, families are feeling financial stress when they open their monthly bills. Nowhere is this more apparent than with electric bills. Electricity is a necessity that none of us can live without, so it’s critically important for it to remain affordable.

Fortunately, there is a solution on the horizon to address energy affordability, but, unfortunately, many are trying to kill this solution with misinformation and overheated political rhetoric.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is currently reviewing proposals for a tiered, fixed-price structure, as directed by state legislation. This important reform was brought forward to bring greater predictability to monthly energy bills, lower the per kilowatt-hour charge for everyone, and help provide financial relief to working families.

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