Homeless community displaced downtown after torrential rain

SAN DIEGO — Holding back tears and tight to faith, Deborah Falkner and JJ Fisher are just two of over 300 forced out of their shelter in the East Village Monday.

“It hurts your heart, but you know you’ve got God,” Falkner tearfully expressed.

The two friends lived at the Alpha Project bridge shelter on Newton Avenue and 16th Street. Their temporary home is now in ruins and buried beneath it all are missing essentials.

“Losing your ID, losing your social security card — I’ve got to go through all of that again. I don’t know how I’m going to do that,” said Fisher.

San Diegans cry, hug outside damaged homes after stunning flash floods in normally balmy city

Since then, they and over 100 others who agreed to transfer to a temporary shelter at Balboa Park are left with uncertainty.

However, for Jose Louis, who FOX 5 met when exploring what’s left over of the wrecked shelter, is not going. He says he can’t afford a ride to get him to the Balboa Park location and would rather spend transportation money on his ride to get to work.

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