Study: California’s biggest, busiest cities have some of America’s best drivers

A recent study has shed light on a surprising revelation: many of the California’s largest cities are home to some of the nation’s “best” drivers, with San Francisco, Oakland, San Diego, Los Angeles, Long Beach and San Jose ranking high. Fresno ranked lowest.

The study, conducted and published by Forbes Advisor, aimed to rank the worst drivers among the 50 most populated metropolitan areas in America.

Contrary to popular belief, several of California’s bustling cities performed exceptionally well in the rankings.

Six cities in California found themselves among the bottom 20 for worst drivers, which also meant they were in the top 20 for best drivers according to the study’s metrics.

The rankings were determined by analyzing five distinct factors that reflect dangerous driving behavior: total fatal crashes, fatal crashes involving drunk, distracted, or speeding drivers, and the number of people killed in fatal crashes, with each factor standardized per 100,000 city residents.

The findings challenge common stereotypes about driving behavior in California and highlight the positive aspects of road safety within the state’s urban centers.

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