Opinion: Creating an ‘EFID’ Is Key to Redeveloping the Midway District with Affordable Housing

Housing costs and homelessness. Ask any San Diegan to share what the single most important issue is facing our region today and you’ll likely hear either one or both answers. It’s no surprise that these issues are closely linked — in 2023, the number of newly homeless continued to outpace the number of people housed each month.

To put it plainly, many families and seniors across the city are struggling to keep up with increasing rents or find homes they can afford, leading to displacement, evictions and, oftentimes, homelessness. We recognize these are complex challenges that lack easy fixes, but through bold action paired with innovative solutions, we can help flip the script and reverse this staggering trend.

Building more housing is more important now than ever. And no other housing project today compares to Midway Rising.

In 2022, the city of San Diego selected Midway Rising as the development team to reimagine the San Diego Sports Arena property. This selection earned the support of San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria and California’s Department of Housing and Community Development based on one specific reason — Midway Rising championed the boldest vision for affordable housing, a total of 2,000 affordable homes, which was a greater amount than any other competing redevelopment team.

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