A recent study compared the 100 most populated U.S. cities, looking at energy sources, transportation, the environment, and lifestyle policies. So why should you care about these green cities? Living in one of these cities can improve your health and make it simpler to do your part for the planet. With sustainable laws, good water quality, access to local produce, and less reliance on cars, it’s a win-win.
Living in green cities my whole life, it’s easy to take it for granted… until you visit one that isn’t. On a recent visit to a highly-populated city in Mexico, I noticed how the smog and poor air quality affected my breathing and even my skin. As much as I love the more open and airy parts of Mexico, I couldn’t wait to leave this polluted town.
In 2023, the U.S. produced more than eight times the solar energy it did in 2014. Electric vehicles and battery storage are also taking off, making clean energy a big part of our everyday lives. All 50 states are making strides to go green. 52% of Americans agree that protecting the environment should come before economic growth, and honestly, that number should be even higher!…