Dog who raced through SF Muni tunnels “safe and sound,” reunited with owner

PIX Now morning edition – 1/24/24 10:20

SAN FRANCISCO – A dog that had quite an adventure Monday night in San Francisco when it sped along the Muni tracks from West Portal to the Embarcadero has finally be safely located, according to San Francisco Animal Care and Control on Tuesday evening.

“The dog, Noah, is back safe and sound,” said Deb Campbell from animal control. “Our Animal Control Officers were getting sightings reports called in and were able to direct Noah’s owner to his location.”

Animal control and others worked hours to try and corral the slippery pooch, who began his journey around 7 p.m. Monday and eventually emerged into the night to further elude capture. Noah managed to upset Monday’s commute and bus shuttles had to be arranged to get riders where they needed to go as trains halted in his wake.

Campbell said her team and people from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency pulled out all the stops to try and get the reddish-tan lab mix while he ran amok.

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