3 coyotes shot, killed after 5-year-old attacked at SF Botanical Garden

Three coyotes were shot and killed in San Francisco’s Botanical Garden at Golden Gate Park over the weekend. It happened just one day after a five-year-old girl was attacked by a coyote.

Signs of coyotes are posted all around the San Francisco Botanical Garden. On this Monday, the park is open again to the public. It was shut down Friday after a coyote bit the girl during her supervised camp.

“A coyote aggressively went after one of the kids — a five-year-old girl — and bit her on the butt,” said Capt. Patrick Foy with Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.

According to Foy, the girl was treated at a hospital and a DNA sample was taken from the girl’s wound.

Then, over the weekend, the department teamed up with U.S. Department of Agriculture.

MORE: Coyote gets police escort after making way onto San Francisco freeway

Wildlife agents spotted three coyotes and set out traps but were unable to catch the animals. Then later, agents shot and killed the animals in the botanical garden.

“The three coyotes were the immediate vicinity of where the attack occurred,” said Foy.

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