SF’s struggling Mid-Market area showing few signs of life after X vacates headquarters

It’s been a week since X, formerly known as Twitter, officially vacated its headquarters in San Francisco.

This leaves many questioning the future of the Mid Market area, which has been struggling for decades.

The lobby, which was once bustling with Twitter employees, is now filled with a quiet desolation.

Now known as X, the company was once the second-largest tenant in the Mid-Market area, with more than 450,000 square feet of space.

Nobody misses their business more than Ferit Uyar, owner of Market Street Gyro.

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“Of course when they left, they hurt us and the district. It gets worse,” Uyar said.

X’s move adds to a neighborhood in crisis. Many small businesses here have been forced to close because of rampant drug use and ongoing criminal activity.

“Last two months, they broke my window three times. They have stolen my stuff inside. The center has gone bad. Everything goes bad, you know,” Uyar said.

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